Monday, June 15, 2009

2009-2010 School Schedule

Because we have school year round, I have to make sure we get in all of our schooling during this time frame. If I don't have a yearly schedule there is a huge chance we will be having to play catch-up towards the end. Here is the calendar I will be using to schedule our school year.

Basically what I will do is plan our year using this type of calendar. I have to make sure we get in 36 weeks of school with 16 weeks of breaks. The plan is to have school varying from 4-6 week increments then have one week off . With the exception of August, December and April were we will have 2-3 weeks off depending on how I have spaced our breaks.

Because life is unpredictable I have saved a few weeks for things that just come up. There are some months that I already know we need off such as VBS, vacations, spring break, Thanksgiving, etc. By dispersing our breaks in this manner I'm hoping to prevent burn-out for all of us which is what happened a lot this last year.

The weeks we have off will be "x" out. Our school weeks will be circled to make sure we get in all 36 weeks. As we complete each week I will number them to show we have completed it. I will do a count down format. In other words, our first week of school will be numbered 36 and the following 35, etc. We will try really hard to stay on this schedule but I do expect things to come up to take us off schedule. In that case I will have to tweak things around. I'm hoping this will help us all out this year.

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