Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Jesse Tree. What is it?

Here is what a Jesse Tree is:

The Jesse Tree is a unique Advent tree that can be very useful and fun for teaching children about the Bible at Christmas time. The Jesse Tree represents the family tree, or genealogy of Jesus Christ. It tells the story of God's salvation plan from creation and throughout the Old Testament, to the coming of the Messiah. The name comes from Isaiah 11:1, "Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, and a branch from his roots will bear fruit." (NASB)
Each day of Advent a homemade ornament is added to the Jesse Tree, a small tree made of evergreen branches. These symbolic ornaments can each represent a prophecy foretelling of Christ. Other variations include creating ornaments that represent the ancestors in the lineage of Christ, or using the various monogram symbols of Christianity as handmade ornaments.

~This is the one we are doing.  We color them and cut them out.  Then we follow this devotional to go along with it.~ Hope you try it.  We do this along with Advent.  We put ours on a small Christmas tree.~

1 comment:

Anna said...

Aha! i like this idea! We do an advent tree- a Christmas Tree sewed on to a bigger piece of felt, but I like this idea better. I do love our advent devotional though- it is simple and easy to understand, but very thorough. Thanks, Erica!

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